2012年3月27日 星期二

思索_ 蜂群智慧

Mats 說他與我應該共同辦一場關於海洋資源的論壇,要讓自然科學、資訊科技、與建築以及都市發展之公部門再加上文創產業等不同領域,有一個可以開放討論的創新平台。

Mats 說,主題應該要訂的特別的空泛,因為太過明確清楚的主題,會限制整個論壇的流動,會扼殺狂想,以至於無法激盪出新的火花。

我當時聽了不太理解,甚至有些啼笑皆非之感,不過在我讀到 Kevin Kelly “ Out of control” 之後,我才恍然明瞭 Mats 想法之透徹。



於是,我們訂下了模糊的主題,然後將比蜜蜂聰明萬倍的專家學者與業界菁英 聚在一起,希望能湧現出一些洞見。

Making Sense of the Sea or the Distribution of Senses - An Augmented Challenge

Marine Center in Simrishamn, Sweden, in collaboration with Bioinspired Forum initiates long- term collaboration between natural science, public officials and the creative industries with the aim to find new ways to tell stories about the sea. The sea is a vast resource for innovation inspired by nature.

- How can we experience and understand the sea in new ways?
- Can interdisciplinary teams help us to tell new stories about nature?
- How do we transform scientific data or know-how to visions?

In the sea there is a multitude of species that perceive or sense what is happening around them. The scope of man’s sensors is in many ways somewhat limited. What if we, with the support of new media, augment certain aspects what is going on in the sea? What if we, through plants and animals sensors, make sense of behaviors and processes in the sea? Could it, for example, be incorporated in future smart phones or other devices?

We have invited speakers to talk about augmented reality, biological sensors, geo-positioning and image recognition. We will prepare cases or concepts that will feed interdisciplinary discussions.

An overarching aim is to embark on road that will lead to democratization of innovation within natural science. Internet has empowered firms and consumers to participate and take initiatives for innovations for themselves applied to information products. We need a similar trend to reach a tipping point where the same is happening for natural science which will benefit us all. The question here is what vehicle we can use to reach that goal? Today we have some major innovation power centers that pulse a distribution grid out in society. Perhaps we need to create a smart grid that will enable small players to also feed energy to a grid of innovation.

Ideas and concepts will be presented for the public in the entrance of the Marine Center during the summer.

Co-production with: Max Wang, Cacao Intelligence, Taiwan

In collaboration or dialog with:
- Cefas, England - Centre for Environment, Fisheries & Aquaculture Science
- Region Skåne/The Regional Council
- Media Evolution, Malmö
- ExpoLund
- Imego – Industrial sensors
- Gothenburg University, Marine Ecology
- Alnarp – The University for Agriculture.
- IVL – The Swedish Environmental Institute
- KEW Garden, London
- Havs och vattenmyndigheten/The Authority for Sea and Water.
- Havsmiljöinsitutet/The Institute for Sea and Environment
- Moderna Museet
- Svensk Form
- DTU Aqua, Copenhagen

